Hello lovely bloggers,
Just a short post to tell you that I have a ganglion (a swelling which comes about after the fluid oozes out of a joint) on my left wrist.
This is the hand I use a great deal to punch (me being ambidextrous) so it seems that it is under great stress.
The doctor has asked me not to use pressure with my left hand... how can he say that when crafting is my first love... He meant I should not use my beloved punches. If only he knew how much I am in love with my craft punches. I have been using them for well over 11 years and it is just natural wear and tear. Maybe I should try and make cards which do not make me exert any kind of pressure.
On second thoughts however, I will try and rest my left hand so that it improves... It is not an uncommon occurence though and often times there is no pain. Sadly in my case there is a fair amount of pain. So rest I must, I guess.
I will try and visit you all however after the pain subsides.
Until then I am this wounded soldier trying to be brave about not being able to make my beloved cards!!!
Only you crafters would empathise with me... never mind.
Ciao and hugs,
PS: Not a nice way to start the beginning of the month, right?